Kristin Furjanic

Hello |

When I was 12, I looked straight into the sun and got hit in the jugular with a softball. It hurt. I’m not afraid to throw away the rulebook and think outside the box. I live on the eastern edge of the Cascade range in the high desert, otherwise known as Bend, OR. I love tacos. Yoga is my favorite form of creative expression and mindful movement. I am a student of life; a seeker, an adventurer, and a collaborative creative partner. I am inspired by friends and new connections, art, travel, design, books, movies, poetry, and culture.

Zone of Genius | 

A multi-passionate creative, I am a writer and creative strategist with a background in tech, beauty, financial, wellness, and healthcare industries - among others. I value the creative and technical aspects of the written word—and have an eye (and deep appreciation) for design.

I create useful, engaging, and quality messaging for brands and businesses looking to connect with their audiences through authentic stories. I can refine your brand voice, highlight your values, and tell your brand story and philosophy in a consistent and compelling way across all markets to move human beings, provoke thought and start conversations. Let’s leverage different outlets and optimize existing assets. Together, we can move your brand forward.

Specializations |

  • Copywriting
  • Creative Concepting / Ideation
  • Brand + Content Strategy
  • Creative Problem-Solving